
Rush 2112 album review
Rush 2112 album review

rush 2112 album review

I ended up listening to 2112 at least 2-3 times a day between my review of Caress Of Steel and this moment and while I feel that I have a decent enough comprehension of this song to write my feelings towards it, I know that with each subsequent listen I will discover something new and formulate new opinions. I soon discovered that I more listens would be required. Then I'll write my review (obviously, I know that my opinions and feelings on their music won't be final or solidified after a few days of listening and study, but I think that it'll give me a sufficient enough grasp on it for me to formulate an opinion to present).Īnd with songs 2 through 6 of this album, I feel this method was effective, as each of those songs were less than 4 minutes long and were (relatively) easy to digest. Again, I'll usually listen to a song more than once if necessary. Then again, after a day or two, I'll listen to the album one more time, but this time with more of an emphasis on the musical aspects of it, and how well the lyrics tie in with the music. During this time I might listen to a song more than once, until I feel I have a good understanding of what they're trying to say.Īfter that I'll usually go on Wikipedia or some other resource and look up information about said album - when it was released, what the different members have to say about the album and the songs on it, what different people have interpreted the meanings as (and compare them to my own), etc. Obviously, whenever there's a section of a song without any vocals, I'll pay attention to what they're doing musically - but the main purpose of this listen-through is to pay attention to the lyrics. Then, about a day or two later, I'll go through and listen to the album again, but this time I will read along with the lyrics, in order to gain a better understanding of whatever it is the lyricist was trying to get across.

rush 2112 album review

Not really paying attention to finer details in the music or lyrics, I just take it all in and make mental notes of each song. I'm not doing anything else, I just sit down, put on my best set of headphones, and just absorb the album. The first time I listen to a Rush album, I just listen to it straight through. Here are the previous posts in this series, in case you missed them:īefore I give you review of 2112, I want to talk about the methods that I had been practicing when preparing for these reviews.

Rush 2112 album review