
Pymol tutorial scripts
Pymol tutorial scripts

pymol tutorial scripts

pymol tutorial scripts

In Rosetta and PyRosetta, a macromolecule (and information on a single conformation) is stored in a Pose object. pymolrc to automatically start the listener on that address:Ĭmd.start_rosetta_server("","9001")īe sure that the connection is to an IP address that is reachable from machine running PyMOL_Mover and that PyMOL_Mover is configured to output to that address. In for instance if our machine have IP address '' on the local network and we want server to listen to port 9001 we can put the following line into. Or (b) we explicitly specifying IP address we want to listen-to.

pymol tutorial scripts

This can be done by (a) allow PyMOL-server to accept connections on all network addresses assigned to the host by using empty string ('') as IP address. In order to accept connection from non-local machines we will need to change that. By default PyMOLPyRosettaServer.py script is listening for connects at address which will allow only connections from a local machine. However if want to run PyMOL on one machine (say your desktop computer) and PyRosetta on other then you will need to change the default setup.

#Pymol tutorial scripts mac#

pymolrc if you don't have one), which should be located in your home directory on a Mac or Linux machine. No further work is required to view PyMOL_Mover output from the same computer. The file PyMOLPyRosettaServer.py is found in the main directory of PyRosetta. After loading PyMOL, click in the upper window command line (Tk Window Upper Command Line) and run the script PyMOLPyRosettaServer.py to start the listener:

Pymol tutorial scripts