
Udemy docker and kubernetes the complete guide
Udemy docker and kubernetes the complete guide

udemy docker and kubernetes the complete guide

Top Level: Processes running on the computer.

udemy docker and kubernetes the complete guide

  • in out machine the stack of running programs is:.
  • if we rerun the container the image is not downloaded.
  • after the run we have a local copy of the image on our local machine.
  • docker server (daemon)d oes oall the heavy lifting.
  • Docker went to docker hub because it could not find the image locally.
  • docker daemon streamed the ourput to docker client which sent it to terminal.
  • docker daemon created a new container from that image that runs the executable that produces the output we read.
  • docker daemon pulled hello-world image from docker hub.
  • we run a command in docker cli docker run -hello-world.
  • we test installation running docker version on terminal.
  • #Udemy docker and kubernetes the complete guide for mac

    steps: signup for docker hub account -> download/instal docker for mac -> login to docker -> verify docker installation.Docker Server(Docker Daemon) responsible for creating images, running containers etc.Docker Client(Docker CLI) use to issue commands to.in a Docker for Win/Mac package there are two tools.we have already docker on our machine (Linux).a container is a running program with its own isolated set of HW resources.a docker container is an instace of an image.a docker image is a single file with all the deps and config required to run a program.Docker is a platform and ecosystem around creating and running containers.Docker is an ecosystem of systems and Sw:.installing sw on docker is as easy as docker run -it redis.Docker makes easy to install and run sw in any platform or any machine.when we install SW we might get errors so we need to rerun the process.Section 1 - Dive Into Docker Lecture 1 - Why use Docker? Udemy Course - Docker and Kubernetes: The Complete Guide

    Udemy docker and kubernetes the complete guide